Oreo was born a community cat and had been a community cat all her life (8) years. She lived in one of our more popular colonies that has many visitors that come just to see the cats. One evening while feeding my colonies, a couple of regular cat visitors (Irene and Dale) approached me and told me there was something wrong with one of the cats. I followed them to find Oreo with an abscess so large on her head it forced one of her eyes closed.

I was able to get her in to the vet the next day. Dale and Irene agreed to keep her at their home while she recovered. She was with them for about 2 weeks and started to get antsy so since she was fully recovered, they returned her to the park.

Just a few weeks later, Oreo had another abscess on her chin. Once again, Irene and Dale took her home and we took her to the vet again. They kept her at their home again while she recovered. Weeks turned into months and Oreo was getting quite comfortable with them and them with her. Needless to say, Oreo found her new forever home. Dale and Irene say they couldn’t have found a more perfect cat.

Oreo The Perfect Cat
Oreo The Perfect Cat
Oreo The Perfect Cat
Oreo The Perfect Cat