Clinic Informed Consent and Release of Liability:
I, the undersigned, understand that my pet(s) will be attended to and cared for to the best of the abilities of the veterinary professionals and volunteer staff at this “Pay What You Can” spay/neuter clinic.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless ALOHA ANIMAL OASIS, their officers, volunteers and veterinarian, from claims, suits or actions of every name, kind, and description, brought for, or on account of, injury to my pet(s) and/or myself, loss and/or death of my pet(s), or damage to and/or loss of my property resulting from having my pet(s) spayed/neutered at, and/or participating in, this spay/neuter clinic.
I agree to follow the post-operative care instructions and, in the unlikely event that a post-operative medical emergency arises, I shall seek immediate veterinary attention for my pet(s) at my own expense.