We don’t know Scrappy’s origin story or how he ended up at the park but we’re glad that he did. His face was injured and we discovered that it was probably from attempting to eat mongoose to survive, which must have gotten the better of him at some point. With a little coaxing and offering of wet food he began trusting us and treating us to his cute little trilling meows. He didn’t seem to enjoy the company of the other cats at the park as he roamed from spot to spot. However, he has yet to meet a human he doesn’t like.
Larry was able to gain his trust and put him into a carrier to transport him to the spay/neuter clinic to be neutered, vaccinated, chipped, and have his injured face evaluated. Once that was done, he was taken to another vet who told us that his face was healed and tested him for FIV/FeLV. He tested positive for FIV but as he was so comfortable with humans, we were determined to find him a real home that was willing to accept his scarred face and FIV positive status.
After sharing a picture of his face with a Facebook animal advocate friend, she wanted to meet him and said if he’d come to her, she would give him a new forever home. We met her in the park and Scrappy immediately went to her for affectionate petting. She put him in the carrier and off he went.
We were sad to see him go but thrilled that he was going to a real home. For the next week or two we texted with her and were told of all the things she’d gotten for him and that she left the Disney Channel on for him while he was isolated in his bedroom. They set up a Ring camera so they could observe him while they were at work.
Throughout this transition and still today this angel sends us pictures and videos of Scrappy for which we are so grateful. They love him so much and feel so blessed to have him and we feel so blessed that he has a truly loving family. After a rough start Scrappy is living his best life.

Scrappy living in the park

Scrappy with Larry

Scrappy up close

Scrappy’s Angel

Scrappy in his new home